Friday, April 28, 2006


While discussing plans for the Spring Fling last night, it was brought to my attention that not everyone knows what the title of my blog means.

Was I expecting people to just KNOW?

As said in my profile, I have resided in Cincinnati for the past several years. Even though I grew up just across the Ohio River in a city called Covington, KY (place where Margaret Garner of the movie Beloved crossed the Ohio River), I think of Cincinnati as my home.

That's why Cincinnati is in the title of my blog.

Now for the NAMjA part.

Don't get it confused with the word ninja. The closest thing to martial arts that I know is what I attempt to do when I am trying to ward off the unwanted attacks of an un-known dog.

Namja is the Korean word for "man".

And how do I know Korean?

About 9 years ago, while I was studying Biology at the University of Cincinnati, I tripped somewhere along my path to becoming a physician and fell into the US. Army.

Yes, this Covington boy was working for the man!

Anyway, as some of you may know, when you enter the military, you must pick a specialty, or a job. My job in the military was that of a voice interceptor, specializing in intercepting Korean voice transmissions. So after 2 months of being yelled at and slopping through the trenches of Ft. Leonardwood, MO (also known as basic training), I was shipped of to the beaches of California for two years to learn how to read, write and speak Korean.

No, California is not the American Mecca for Korean people. Monterey, California is home to the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center where the military trains all of it's linguists, interrogators, and voice interceptions.

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

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