Wednesday, July 08, 2009

RedBox vs. Netflix: The Next Big Showdown

Over the past few months I have been seeing these red boxes popping up in local grocery stores around the Greater Cincinnati area.

In what seemed to be a systematic ploy to get me to begin using them, several of my friends and coworkers have admiting to poppin' in a buck for a movie as opposed to traveling down the street to BlockBusuter, Hollywood Video or their local branch of the public library for their movie selections.

A dollar does sound tempting for one nights' cinematic satisfaction, but the rub comes when it is time to return the film.

I have never been the best at returning things on time. Library books and movies have always been my biggest vice, which is why Netflix is so convenient.

No late fees and can return them when you want.

In fact, I have two films from the postal based movie company which I have been hording for the past few weeks and one that I have had for several months....pathetic, I know.

Though this is a great idea and I feel that it will do well, I am not sure that we will be seeing his little red boxes in t Pendleton area any time soon.

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