Monday, March 19, 2007

4th Year of War....What Have We Accomplished?

It was a bright and clear day in Cincinnati on the morning of September 11th, 2001. I was feeling particularly good that morning for some reason. I walked in to my student aid job in the Veterans Certification Office at the University of Cincinnati and began my daily routine of making sure that vets returning to school were getting paid.

As I just completed another veteran's file, my student co-worker walked into the office and announce, "A plane had just flown into the World Trade Center!" Me being the skeptic that I am, I immediately retorted, "How can that be? There isn't a runway in that part of the city." Too my surprise, he was correct. Of course I am depicting the dreadful morning that terrorist made the mistake of causing harm to the citizens of the United States.

Just a few weeks after this attack on American soil, we attacked land on the other side of the world in efforts to "get back" at those who caused so much grief in the hearts of Americans. There have been many theories as to why this all came about, but like with most theories pertaining to politics, most of them are unfounded.

Today marks the 4 year anniversary of Prez Bush sending our boys (and girls) half way across the world, into harms way. OF course, being an Army Vet, I only see the horrors of sending our men and women into war. Is there anyone out there who think our war is a good idea? I want to hear from you.

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