Monday, May 18, 2009

Looking For A New Name

I am yet again in search for a title for one my books that I am in the process of publishing.

Everytime that I go through this naming process for one my books I feel as though I am that little princess in the movie "The Never Ending Story" yelling through the highest castle tower, "Atreyu! Just give me a name!"

I have 5 projects which I am currently working on and two of them have already surpassed the point where a title and definative description were needed so that I can begin the publishing process.

This third piece is a collection of novellas written by myself and features two other novellas written by other authors (including the novella which won my publishing company's novella contest in 2008).

Since this seems to be one of the hardest processes in writing a book, I am opening it up to the blogesphere for suggestions. The novella compilation will consist of the following stories:

Story 1: Set in 1865 Cincinnati, this novella chronicles a forbidden love, wrapped around one of the country's most controversial court trials of its time.

Story 2: Set in the care free 1960's suburban California, this story takes you through a pre-teen's summer filled with love loss and burgeoning responsibility.

Story 3: Set in present day, a highschool nerd has been chosen to lead his fellow students to safety when his school is taken over by an unlikey advisary.

Strory 4: Set in present day Cincinnati, a man struggles to come to grips with his own demons while assisting a mentally disabled veteran of the US military.

I welcome all suggestions...maybe they will get my creative juices flowing.

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