Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Can Remember These Days

Ever since the first season of MTV's The Real Worl hit the air in 1990, I have been an avid fan. I can remember the nights that I spent in highschool wishing that I was fortunate enough to be thrown in together with such an ecclectic group in a strange city and have all of our anticks recorded on video tape. I have to say that my favorite season is still Real World London. I even applied for Real World Boston.

Due to the fact that I no longer subscribe to cable television, coupled with the fact that I am getting older, have led to me to fall off Real Worlds radar.

Thought London was my favorite season, my favorite character was Danny from Real World New Orleans which aired in 2000. In 2000, I was in the military and stationed at Ft. Hood, TX, living off post with a group of good friends whom I was not allowed to show who I really was. Danny's story hit home and I was glued to the tube every Thursday night.

Can you understand why?


Anonymous said...

Coz u thought his man was smokin hot?


Cincinnati NAMjA said...

LOL....no only that....

I as trying to convey the fact that as a gay soldier, I could understand the conundrum that going through Paul's mind while dating a person of the same sex. It was a relief to see that I was not the only one that was going through this. I did not 'come out' to my friends until I was about to leave the military, some of whom I had lived in very close proximity with all though out my military career. I lost some good frineds because I did not come out to them earlier, not because I was gay, but because I lived a lie for four years and lied to them.