Sunday, August 19, 2007

Seems Like A World Away

What a weekend...and it is only Sunday morning.

Yesterday, my roommate and i borrowed a canoe from our married friend D and C and decided to take a canoe trip down the Licking River.

The Licking separates Campbell and Kenton counties, emptying into the Ohio River. Even though I was born and raised in Kenton County, I never realized how large the river was. Trolling along the river for 7 miles, I found out that barges actually travel up and down this river.

It was a bit daunting being next to these behemoths, but this city boy quickly found his webbed feet.

Unfortunately, in the process of becoming acclimated with the water skiers, barge and other boat traffic, I was not able to take as many pictures as I had liked.

Another unfortunate note, my 1990 Honda Civic broke down on the side of the highway on the way back from the trip. Thank God for AAA. On a better note, after the two truck delivered my car to the service shop, he offered to purchase it. This sparked my interest, but since the service station was closed, I suggested that I first find out the extent of the repair before he makes an offer.

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