Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Blogger Responded..

If you read my blog, you don't see many comments, so when a fellow blogger takes the time to respond to something that I had to say, I HAVE to give them props.

The following comment was sent to me via email by Nathan from NathanExposed, after I commented about the new show Pushing Daises.

Nathan wrote:
I'm glad I could help you out :) Yeah I definitely recommend it. When I first heard about it, the premise threw me off too. But I think it's going to work really well. I've found myself waiting impatiently for next week's episode, so that's a good sign. By the way, I clicked over to your blog. You have gorgeous eyes :)

Cute, Cute, Cute...Thanks Nathan!

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Thanks for the mention :)

Well sure I want to respond to what you say. Although I'll admit I don't respond to everyone, because then it would become like an e-mail program instead of a comments section. And in that case, it would make more sense for people to just wrote me. But I digress. Heh.

Anyway, I'm glad you wrote. It's not every day a Military man stumbles over to my home on the web :)